1-on-1 Exam Prep — 1 Hour

Once purchased, the email address connected to your NAHRO account will receive an email from professionaldevelopment@nahro.org asking you to confirm your name and contact information.

A member of Professional Development will also reach out to NAHRO faculty to inquire about their availability for a review session. Once a faculty member's availability is confirmed, we will connect you with them (via email) to discuss the best time to have the review session.

If you would like the faculty to view a previously taken exam before/during the review session, both you and the faculty will need to sign and return NAHRO Certification's Open Record Request form to professionaldevelopment@nahro.org.

Here is a tutorial for filling out and signing the form on a Windows PC without printing: Tutorial—Filling the Open Records Request on Your PC.mp4.


1-on-1 Exam Prep — 2 Hours

Once purchased, the email address connected to your NAHRO account will receive an email from professionaldevelopment@nahro.org asking you to confirm your name and contact information.

A member of Professional Development will also reach out to NAHRO faculty to inquire about their availability for a review session. Once a faculty member's availability is confirmed, we will connect you with them (via email) to discuss the best time to have the review session.

If you would like the faculty to view a previously taken exam before/during the review session, both you and the faculty will need to sign and return NAHRO Certification's Open Record Request form to professionaldevelopment@nahro.org.

Here is a tutorial for filling out and signing the form on a Windows PC without printing: Tutorial—Filling the Open Records Request on Your PC.mp4.



1-on-1 Exam Prep — 3 Hours

Once purchased, the email address connected to your NAHRO account will receive an email from professionaldevelopment@nahro.org asking you to confirm your name and contact information.

A member of Professional Development will also reach out to NAHRO faculty to inquire about their availability for a review session. Once a faculty member's availability is confirmed, we will connect you with them (via email) to discuss the best time to have the review session.

If you would like the faculty to view a previously taken exam before/during the review session, both you and the faculty will need to sign and return NAHRO Certification's Open Record Request form to professionaldevelopment@nahro.org.

Here is a tutorial for filling out and signing the form on a Windows PC without printing: Tutorial—Filling the Open Records Request on Your PC.mp4.



2021 NAHRO National Conference & Exhibition

ACH Payment - DO NOT USE until setup with BluePay

Achieving Results

Achieving Results

Active Agency Dues

Additional 10' x 10' Booth

Additional Benefit Recipient

Additional Per Person Cost - 410

Additional Per Person Cost - 430

Additional Per Person Cost - 462

Additional Per Person Cost - 472

Additional Per Person Cost - 493


Additional Rep

Additional Rep

Agency Affiliate Dues

American Express









Award of Excellence Engraved Plaque

Award of Excellence Framed Certificate